Boy, this is a subject, isn’t it?

I need to lose weight. 15 pounds to be exact. 15 pounds to feel like myself again and not a frumpy old woman.

So I have started a weight loss journey that I am documenting in a separate blog from this one, still on this website. I encourage you to follow along. It is to hold myself accountable.

Losing weight is not a quick process. My goal is to lose 1/2 pound per week and at the rate I am going, I will have accomplished this goal by September 6, 2024.

If you lose weight the wrong way, it won’t stick. You must have patience.

Losing weight starts with changing your eating habits. It’s simple. Don’t eat crap is step one. Just don’t.

We all have willpower, we make a conscious choice whether to listen to it or not. That voice in your head likes procrastinating. Just one more bite, just one more day.


Just stop procrastinating.

Go all in. This is for you. No one else but you.

Once you set your mind to changing how you eat, you can start exercising.

Now, I am not an instructor or nutritionist, none of the above in any way. I am doing this weight loss journey on my own, with the help of YouTube and years of past experience. There was a time when I was a gym rat. Six times a week for 1-2 hours each. But bodily injuries from my past make it so I cannot use many of the machines there, so, doing this all at home it is.

This is quite challenging as I live in 463 square feet and the only real workout space is in my kitchen, so I use that area for my workouts. I also need to modify MANY of the exercises I see but so long as my heart rate is in a fat burning zone, I’m good.

As you’ll see on page one of the newly added blog, I bought some stuff on Amazon to aid my workouts and make them better. A Fitbit, an aerobic stepper, weighted wrist and ankle bands, adjustable low weight dumbbells. If you are old and damaged like me, this is all you need really.

I started this on 2/11/24 at 130 pounds. 10 days later I am at 129.2 as I am weighing myself on Fridays only.

Join me will you?


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