I don’t know about you, but I consider myself lucky to get one, yes, only one, chin hair every 2 months or so. I also get a few dark nose hairs on the tip of my nose, and above my upper lip. 

Oddly, my armpit hair just stopped growing completely. 

So, what is with the chin hair? All the websites say the same thing, so I picked the one that looked the most fun. 

Here is what I found titled: Menopause and Facial Hair: Oh, Pluck This… 


I am going to pull some snippets from the article. 

“One of the benefits of menopause (yes, there are some!) is less underarm and leg hair. If you remember, hair growth in these areas started in puberty because of hormones. As those hormones decline, hair growth slows, well, sort of. Unfortunately, this is also the time when coarse, dark hairs may start popping up on your upper lip, chin, or jaw line. For some women, this may feel like a final blow to their femininity and create a lot of anxiety and embarrassment, which is completely understandable. If these unwelcome follicles are making you feel self-conscious, there are a variety of ways to deal with them.” 

What to do about facial hair?

““Nothing” is a totally legitimate choice here. There’s nothing dangerous about a few extra chin hairs. But if they bother you, there are ways to get rid of menopausal facial hair, or at least minimize its appearance so you feel more comfortable and confident with your appearance.” 

Your choices are...wait for it..... 

Ditch the magnifying mirror – It sees stuff no one else does anyway and just causes trouble. Yes, I have one too.

Pull them suckers out – Quick almost painless. Free.

Shave it off – Not too “feminine” but good when plucking is not an option.

Try creams – Smelly. They cost $$. Smelly. Also, not very sexy.

Laser them away – Expensive. Painful, no matter what anyone says.

Zap it – Painful, can leave a mark, costs $$. 

There’s always a catch right ladies?  

I’m going to stick with plucking. 

What’s your menopause “hair” story?


Menopause – Do You Still Like Sex?


Menopause and Her Three Bears